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Support Support Information

Thomson Reuters' support staff is dedicated to meeting your InvestmentView support needs. Our product experts are available to walk you through creating and using reports, explaining product features as well troubleshooting any technical issues you might experience. World class customer support is our highest priority.


The Thomson Reuters (TR) Helpdesk is the first point of contact for all customer queries concerning connection problems, advice on product functionality or content, and for data validation issues.

The TR Helpdesk service is offered via telephone or e-mail. Please note that the latter method should only be used for non-urgent queries. These issues are typically prefixed by "Is it possible to..." as opposed to "We need to..." Any issue that is having a business impact on your firm should be called into the respective specialists.

For assistance on Thomson ONE Wealth Management Product, the phone number to call is: 1-800-232-2285. This will provide options for accessing specialist teams.

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Information about hardware & software requirements for InvestmentView, as well as delivery platforms requirements

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