Thomson InvestmentView

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Case Studies

See how InvestmentView provides solutions for everyone:

Fund Companies

Delivering materials showcasing funds through multiple distribution channels and white label capabilities

InvestmentView helps Fund Companies showcase their funds to Advisors and Institutions. InvestmentView serves the needs of the industry's top Fund Companies, often through Thomson's brandable web delivery platform, available for integration into post-login advisor sites. As an alternate delivery method, or additional wholesaling tool, Fund Companies often distribute InvestmentView on CD. Custom Databases allow firms to showcase their funds pre-populated in screeners and reports, firm designed Sales Ideas provide pre-configured Hypothetical illustrations (often tied to sales & marketing campaigns), and optional Lipper Leader and Award Winner information allows for fund promotion through Profile and Exposure Reports. Custom disclosures allow for compliance ease of mind. Click here to speak to sales representative about InvestmentView for Fund Companies.


Insurance Companies

Explaining complex concepts in simple terms by using illustration tools and firm custom annuity calculations

InvestmentView helps Insurance Companies explain complex concepts in simple terms. InvestmentView serves the needs of the industry's top Insurance Companies, often through Thomson's brandable web delivery platform, available for integration into post-login advisor sites. As an alternate delivery method, or additional wholesaling tool, Insurance Companies often distribute InvestmentView on CD Rom. Custom Databases allow firms to showcase their VA or VL products pre-populated in screeners and reports, firm designed Sales Ideas provide pre-configured Hypothetical illustrations (often tied to sales & marketing campaigns), and the option for firm custom Annuity calculations allows for maximum illustration flexibility. Custom disclosures allow for compliance ease of mind. Click here to speak to sales representative about InvestmentView for Insurance Companies.


Broker Dealers

Providing illustration capabilities that seamlessly integrate with the Thomson ONE workflow & other products

InvestmentView within the Thomson ONE workflow provides Institutions seamless product integration. As part of the holistic Thomson ONE desktop, Advisors can easily use InvestmentView fully integrated with products such as Financial Planning, Asset Allocation and Client Presentations. Through Institution use of a single framework, allowing for use of Book Management, Market Data, Charting, Performance Measurement, Stock Reports and full Back Office Integration, firms avoid the cost and workflow disconnect that is found with multiple third-party solutions. Custom disclosures allow for compliance ease of mind. Thomson ONE is available in a full desktop install or web delivery platform. Click here to speak to sales representative about InvestmentView for Institutions.


Individual Advisors

InvestmentView provides the flexibility of choosing the functionality individuals want through Web or CD Rom based tools

InvestmentView provides Individual Advisors modular functionality through multiple delivery methods. Understanding the wide range of Individual Advisor needs, InvestmentView is offered in several modules, saving costs by providing the functionality that fits the individuals business. With the optional integration of Lipper Leader and Award Winner data, Advisors choose if this level of guidance is right for their clients. Advisors can choose from the flexibility of the CD Rom based tools or the Thomson ONE web based platform. Thomson Co-Branded Websites allow Independent Broker Dealers to reach Advisors, Thomson's partnership with LinkedIn® allows for Advisor to Advisor networking. Click here to speak to sales representative about InvestmentView for Individual Advisors.

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